
Cadie/Fives: The Prometheus Clone

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Cadie/Fives: The Prometheus Clone

Victory was near, and Palpatine felt it in the Force.  But the question in his mind was Victory for whom....


Fives was running, racing against time.  For he had discovered, quite by accident, the greatest conspiracy about open wide and end the Clone Wars.  Tup had whispered a horrible thing in his ear that dreadful day on Ringo Vinda, when he had a nervous breakdown.

Fives had tried to understand what it was.  He broke ranks, broke protocol, and in his task to help Tup....he discovered the true purpose of what was happening.  And it had horrified him to the very core of his soul.  One man was behind the secret Tup spoke, of Order 66, and Fives went AWOL to confront him and stop the madness.

Meanwhile, at the Chancellor's office, reports came in that Grievous had been found, and Obi-wan would soon track him down on Utapau with the rest of the sniveling Separatists.  The Chancellor had to make a desperate gamble, and his window to creating a new Sith Empire was about to close.  Anakin was the key.  If Palpatine could convert the impetuous boy, he could call for Order 66, and eliminate the Jedi in one fell swoop!

Anakin knocked on his door.  Palpatine smiled and let him in.

"We have reports that General Grievous has been found.  General Kenobi will be engaging him soon"  Anakin bowed

"I wonder if Master Kenobi is even up to the challenge" Palpatine coyly sniffed with a dismissive breath.  He watched as Anakin paced, looking down.  He could sense anger and guilt.  "Do you ever wonder why the Council refuses to grant you the rank of Master?"

"I wish I knew" Anakin muttered "More and more I get the feeling I am being excluded from the council."  Anakin stares at Palpatine with a knowing look.  But it was also a look of desperation.

Fives narrowly escaped several patrols.  It was painful to see Captain Rex and and others try to arrest him, but he was on a mission.  He was going to save them and end a war that had been a lie.  He crawled into a ventilation shaft in the Chancellor's office.

"I know there are things about the Force they are not telling me" Anakin stares at him.  Palpatine refrained from smiling.  The door had been opened, and Anakin was ripe to be led down a path to a greatness none of the Jedi could have realized.  Palpatine was about to reach his end game and he knew it.

"They see your future.  They know your power will be too strong to control!" Palpatine walked with him, ready to tempt Anakin to walk a darker path.....

Fives knocked away at a ventilation grate and crawled out of the shaft into a hallway.  Two Royal guards in flowing red robes confronted him.  Fives gave a crooked smile and proceeded to knock their heads together

"Hey..." a voice startled him.  Fives fearfully shot around.  It was Acaedra, holding out her light saber.

"Cadie!" Fives gasped.  He went for his gun instinctively, but then stopped, almost feeling ashamed.

"Everyone's looking for you!  And here you are, attacking the Chancellor's own guards!" Cadie chastised him "You went missing ever since the battle on Ringo Vinda....Fives, what are you doing!?"

"There's no time to explain!" Fives tried to make her understand "These are more than just Royal guards.  They're secretly Clones!"  he pulled off their hoods to reveal what Cadie would only consider a minor scandal.  But Fives continued his explanation "Something BIG is going to happen, and it will involve a lot of clones!!   And the Jedi.....Cadie..." he pleaded, scared of what could happen to her.

"She tried to calm him down "Fives!  Get a grip!  What ever it is..." she walked carefully towards him "We can fix it together.  Just because he has Clone guards doesn't mean anything"

"Are you ready for the dark truth?" he asked gravely

"What dark truth?" she was suddenly taken aback by his serious expression

"I need to see the Chancellor.  We need to arrest him!"

"WHAT!?" Cadie's jaw dropped "You DO know he's on our side, right?"

"HE'S ABOUT TO DESTROY THE JEDI!" Fives grabbed her shoulders gently.  His wild eyed look startled her and she knew that he was on a mission of great intensity.  And she could sense his truthfulness in his words.  She took his hand and they ran to the Chancellor's office

"You better let me do the talking!" Cadie insisted.

"Fair enough" Fives huffed to keep up with her.

"Let me help you know the subtleties of the Force" Palpatine offered with a gentle voice.

"How do you know the ways of the Force?" Anakin suddenly gets a chill as The Chancellor looks at him with such sinister plainness on his face

"My Mentor taught me everything about the Force....even the nature of the Dark Side!"

Anakin stared at him warily, both alert yet eager to see the truth behind Palpatine's words.  But what ever temptation he may have felt in that moment came to a halt as Cadie and Fives burst through the door.


Cadie turned her head slowly and stared at him with a "WTF??" expression.

Anakin lit up his saber "YOU are the Sith Lord we've been looking for!"

Palpatine didn't miss a beat at any of the shinanigans

"So, it's treason then?"

Cadie looked at the Chancellor with wide disbelieving eyes as he whipped out a light saber from his sleeve, and used the Force to throw Anakin into a wall.  "Young dragon Jedi, and the noble clone.  You think you are going to stop my plans!  I have waited decades to win, and I won't be stopped now!"  He leapt at her and they dueled fiercely.

Fives jumped back, shocked that Palpatine reacted so swiftly.  Palpatine blasted her with lightning

"You can't win!" Cadie struggled "The soldiers and the Jedi will stop you!"

Fives fired his gun at the Chancellor "I know about your Master plan!  Order 66 will fail!  You are BEATEN!!" Fives fired again.  Palpatine deflected the shots with his saber and sneered.

"You think I only have 'Order 66'?  I HAVE 65 OTHER PLANS I can use!!" he flung Fives towards the window, smashing him out to plunge into the city chasm below.

"NOOOO!!!" Cadie broke free of the combat.  She  jumped through the window to spread her wings and dive to catch him.  Palpatine brushed away any concern or debris from his shoulders and activated a com link to his Praetorian guard "The time has come.  Gather the royal guard and meet me in the Senate Hall.  We shall activate Order 64......'Operation Prometheus!"  He looked at Anakin's unconscious form and walked away, keeping notes to deal with Skywalker later.

The red robed guards gathered.  Dozens, almost a couple hundred, reached the vacant Senate chamber and gathered as Palpatine exited his Chancellory.  Two guards carried Anakin nehind him, who started to wake up.

Cadie swooped to Fives, grabbing him and gliding back up to see Palpatine flying in his private skiff.  "What happened?  Did he just-?"

"-USED THE FORCE!!" Cadie answered, shocked "Chancellor Palpatine is true evil!  and he has Anakin!" she flew after him, but Palpatine's skiff was fast.  And he was escorted by two guards on combat swoop bikes.  They turned to face Cadie and open fired!

"Hang on!" Cadie took evasive maneuvers as the guardsmen flew past.  Fives fired his gun at them.

"I think Palpatine is going to activate one of his Orders!" Fives shouted

"What IS it?" Cadie flew fast to keep up.

"I don't know, but it I'm sure it won't be beer and skittles for Life Day!" Fives held on to her, trying not to look down.

Palpatine cackled as he landed at the Senate platform and went to meet his Royal guards.  "What is the meaning of this?" Anakin demanded as he struggled against the strong grips of the clones

"I am about to teach you a hard lesson of the Dark side.  You are about to witness but a fraction of my true power, and you will come to regret that you did not join me!" Palpatine slowly growls.  He stretches out his hands and the Senate floor opens up.  Anakin gasps as he sees a huge "swimming pool" of sorts, but the substance was not water.

It looked like a fuzzy, slimy, crystalline liquid, a thick soup of a substance with beautiful colors.  "Behold" Palpatine announced as his loyal clone guards gathered around the pool "It is the very fabric of life!  MIDICHLORIANS in their most pure and glorious form!"

"Midichlorians!?" Skywalker looked on at its horrifying structure even though it was almost a beautiful liquid rainbow.  Both of them could sense the power of life emanating from the pool.  The Royal guards jumped in one by one, consumed and absorbed by the Midichlorian Pool.

"What's happening to them!? Anakin demanded.

Palpatine smiled as he concentrated on his connection through the Force "Something wonderful, and terrible....."  As the guards jumped in, their clothes were dissolved, and they were dissolved into the midichlorian mix.  Anakin could see them giant, super clone!

"This is madness!" He called out.

Cadie and Fives flew past the bikers around the giant skyscrapers, but the chase ended quickly as Cadie roared and charged one of the swoopers, rippring her claws into the bike and sending it in a ball of flames into an old abandoned tower.  Fives tried to take aim as she scurried about, but his skill with his blaster was all he needed to take aim as the last biker tried to shoot them down.

He held his gun and stared down the other clone, knowing it was a mindless servant to the evil Sith Lord "Smile you son of a b-" he shot, hit the biker between the eyes and watched him dive down into the dark depths of the city below.

They looked ahead and saw the Senatorial Dome open.  "I never knew the Senate could DO that!" Fives gasped.

"Me neither" Cadies sensed a really bad tremor in the Force.  Really bad.  Then they saw it.  A clone of tremendous proportions rising out of the Senate building.  Both of them looked at each other with extreme disbelief as they flew towards the giant.  Then....the giant turned and stared at them.

"Oh SH-" Fives almost shout

"-YOU SAID IT!" Cadie tried to flew back in another direction.  Chaos was now erupting across the city as the giant clone exited the building through the Senate's open roof.  Traffic steered in all directions to get away.

"What's the matter, Dragon Jedi?" The Clone spoke in a booming voice "You came here to fight a Sith Lord, and find a God?" it smiled that familiar Palpatine smile as it swatted at her.  Smashing at her like a person smashes a bug, she felt a bit of the impact of his hand.  Fives dropped from her grip as she was stunned and thrown into the side of a building.  The Clone smiled and reached for Fives as he fell, grasping him tightly.  "Ah yes.......Clone Trooper....'Fives" it almost sneered "I shall be teaching you a lesson in loyalty.  But first, you will watch me destroy the Jedi Temple.....and all within!"

"CADIE!!" Fives struggled in the Giant's hand.

Cadie almost lost consciousness, but snapped out of it as she regained control and flew towards the Senate dome.  She saw Anakin in the Senate, still in shock.  "Anakin, are you okay?"

They both looked up as the Super Clone walked into the city.  It smashed a small building to the ground and laughed.  Anakin looked at her "Cadie, Palpatine.....he used the midichlorians on his royal guard.  They....they morphed into a giant life form of tremendous power!"

"Where's the Chancellor?  Anakin!" Cadie looked around "Where's Palpatine?"

"He....became that thing!" Anakin pointed out.  "His quest for immortality and to destroy the Jedi.  He led his guard to be morphed, then he....transferred his mind into the giant to control it!" Anakin pointed to a small object tied to the Giant's back.  " carrying his own body up there!"

They watched in shock as Palpatine marched the large form across the landscape and swatted at traffic, laughing and marching towards the Jedi Temple.  Then, she saw Fives struggling in the Giant's grip.  "NO!" Cadie flew up to attack the giant.

"You can't fight that thing!!  It's a giant Sith Lord!" Anakin screamed for her to stop.

"I have to try!" Cadie flew fast and roared to get the Giant's attention!

The Jedi gathered on the steps of the Temple, and marveled at the sight with awe and dread.  The Council faced the super Clone, with a hundred Jedi behind them, anxious and sensing this would be the night the Jedi would be destroyed forever.

"Aaaah, Master Windu!" Palpatine chuckled in a loud voice as he took small steps ever closer "There is no where to run!  NOWHERE TO HIDE!!"

"Sense the darkness, I do!" Yoda spoke quietly "Sense the Chancellor!  Madness has taken him!"

"We will not go quietly into the night!" Mace stared up at the giant, unmoved.

Palpatine gloated as he looked down on them "Stubborn and arrogant to the very end!" he sneered "Just like a Jedi!  So be it!  I shall crush you all under my power!  I shall devour your bodies for spite and to erase your memory from the history of the galaxy!  I WILL USE YOUR PATHETIC TEMPLE AS A MAGNIFICENT THRONE AS I RULE THE GALAXY FROM MY PLANET PALACE!!!"

Cadie flew up to Palpatine's giant face with a scared yet determined expression "You will not stop the light!  For every Jedi you kill tonight, a thousand will oppose you!"

Palpatine, bored with her heroics, scowls and launches a storm of lightning to burn her from the sky!

"CADIE!  Get away!!  You can't stop him!!"  Fives struggled even harder as Palpatine tried to strike down Cadie with bolts from the sky.  She stared into his yellow eyes as she felt the fear and darkness assaulting her mind

"You are weak!  And tiny!  Even if you were as powerful as the Great, Chosen One cannot best me!  My powers are magnified!!" Palpatine taunted.

Cadie broke from his gaze and steeled herself, flying down and burning the giant's hand to let go of Fives!  "I've got you!" She grabbed him.  The giant yelled in a moment of unexpected pain as her light saber scarred his knuckles.  He let go off Fives.

"Right!  I got this!" Fives jumped into Cadie's arms "Get me to his shoulder!"  Fives impulsively kissed her.  Cadie looked at him in surprise.  He gave a smile "For Luck!"  She smiled back and flew him up to the Giant's shoulder.

"Insects!" Palpatine taunted, and tried to swat at her.  She was too close for lightning, so he threw his hand out at her, throwing the Force at her.  His Force wave was so powerful, he knocked down the Jedi on the Temple steps.

Fives grabbed onto pieces of the Clone's fleshy skin and began climbing down its neck to escape.  Palpatine tried to grab him, but could not reach the middle of his back as the trooper climbed in between his shoulder blades.  Fives looked down and saw Palpatine's tiny human body, tied to the back of the giant.  "Well, maybe we are all doomed tonite!" Fives gritted his teeth with righteous anger "maybe I'm just a tiny clone, and I have no powers to stop a God!  But I'll do you a solid turn of justice before I die!" He let go of the skin and fell down to where the Chancellor's true bod was tied up.  Fives grabbed the comatose body and began untying it from the giant.

"Well, ugly up close.  I'll take from you what you've been taking from my brothers, and the Jedi!" Cadie flew around to try and reach Fives in time to see him untie the Chancellor and fall with the body.

"Fives!  What are you doing!!"  She watched in horror as Fives held onto the body of Sheev Palpatine until they hit the ground.  Fives braced for the impact, using the old man body to try and cushion his fall.  Fives ached and groaned as Cadien landed by him.

"What do you think you were doing!?  Trying to kill yourself!?" She gently held him as he caught his breath and winced in pain.  But both of them heard a larger groan.  From the Giant!

The super clone doubled over in pain.  Unbelievable pain.  "Why is he hurt?  How is he hurt?" Fives rubbed his arm.

Cadie's eyes lit up.  "It must be his mindlink!  Fives!!  You're amazing!!" She kissed him back.  Anakin ran up to them

"What Happened?" he asked "The giant was injured somehow!"

Anakin and Cadie helped Fives to his feet.  She was about to explain that the giant clone could still feel pain becase of the link between it and Palpatine's body.

But the Giant God-Emperor Palpatine began to realize his true weakness, and that they had discovered it.  "Fools!!!  I will destroy you all!"  He tried to stomp them!

"Run!" Cadie yelled.  The three of them dodged the giant's stomping feet, shaken up with every stomp that rattled the ground around them.  The giant recovered from its pain to laugh as he felt the thrill of getting ready to crush the Jedi.  Mace and the others activated ther sabers to do combat.  But Cadie had a different plan.

"I know a better way!" She called out to them.

"Options we have....few they are" Yoda grimaced as the giant stepped closer

Cadie turned to Anakin and Mace "When I give the signal, Everyone needs to throw the Force at him, and knock him over!"

"I don't think making him angrier is going to give us an advantage!" Mace raised an eyebrow as it got closer.

"Trust me!" She flew up to face the God Emperor one more time.

"I like where this is going, but be careful!" Fives called out.

She flew up to his face and made him stop.  Palpatine smiled as he prepared to unleash his Force lightning to destroy her.  Cadie gave the signal to the Jedi.

"NOW!!" she yelled and pushed against the God Clone with all her concentration.  Yoda and the others also pushed against it.  The Giant felt the push and fell backwards, but reached out to swat Cadie.  She felt the full brunt of Palpatines large hand hit her, finally knocking her from the sky.  He landed on his back, and for a brief second felt his anger to get up, but them yelled when he realized he had smashed his own body underneath.  Palpatine's link to his still living mind shattered him and his control of the giant clone.  Fives ran over to Cadie as she struggled to safely land.

"I've got you!  I've got you!" he grabbed her even though he was still in pain from his own fall.

"Look at us!" Cadie tried to make a joke "We're both trying to save each other, and we'll be in a medlab, aching from broken bones for the rest of the week!"

They both turned to see the giant clone begin to disintegrate as Palpatine's ability to control the midichlorians was dying with him.

"We'll be feeling better than a God by the end of the week!" Fives said bravely as Palpatine's Monster creation melted away into puddles of pure midichlorian substance from the shock and pain of his severed connection from the Force.

Cadie watched in amazement, but Fives smoothly caressed her cheek and glomped her solidly.  Cadie embraced him close and felt light headed from their victory kiss.

Mace, Yoda, Anakin and the others just watched as the two embraced.  Mace shook his head but almost smiled.  Almost.  "Anakin, you're going to have to help this Jedi learn to not become so attached to someone.  It could cloud her judgement."

Yoda cleared his throat and chuckled a little.  Just a little.  "Yes.  Discipline, she needs.  Too many emotions, she has."

Anakin faced the two young lovers, making sure none of the Jedi behind him could see him smile.  "Yes, Master.  She DEFINITELY has to learn about her emotions!  I'll start lecturing her on this behavior after we've celebrated ending the war!"
A story I wrote for  :iconcowgirlmickey:'s OC Cadie, and Trooper Fives

It took a while to write and figure it out, but it was an idea I liked, and Cadie was perfect for this story.

Palpatine tries to corrupt Anakin, and Fives tries to expose his deadly secret, Order 64.  Cadie gets caught in the middle, and soon they are battling a Sith Lord of ultimate power!!

Some of this story, suilly as it might get, was inspired a little by "King Kong" and "Attack on Titan".  Just something I wanted to try.  Many thanks to :iconcowgirlmickey: for her patience as I wrote this as part of an art trade :):)  Enjoy a fun romance adventure :)
© 2018 - 2024 lordhadrian
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CowgirlMickey's avatar
Awesome story bud! I love it! To be honest I was kind of expecting Cadie to turn into a dragon and beat him that away but what you wrote works too. Concerning her and the other Jedi her rank is actually up there with Mace and Yoda. She's part of the Jedi Council. A master. All in all this is awesome! Thank u! :squee: :love: :hug: :la: :jedi: