
In The Beginning

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lordhadrian's avatar

Literature Text


by Lordhadrian

Balance has begun
with the rising Sun
Twin Tailed Comet
Announces the Chosen One.

One out of the Two
Evil's Sun meets Daughter Moon
Sith rule in Might
Jedi flee in Plight

Yet the One from Two
will balance bring
Secret Daughter and The Son will sing.

All the galaxy, at the edge of Night,
Yet by Rule of Two, will all be made right.

~ PROPHECY of the Chosen One, The Will of the Force.

A Tremor in the Force.  That was how it began.  That was the beginning of a journey that would take the galaxy to greater Heights than it had ever known, and cause it so slip deeper into darkness than ever before.

It was a herald to great deeds and misguided actions, Romances and tragedies.

The tremor made itself known to two groups, thus beginning a race against time over a find the Chosen One of Prophecy.

Yoda had awakened with a start.  He slowly rose from his small bed and exited his chambers.  Dawn was approaching a new day, the orange light giving birth on the horizon.  He smiled for a moment, feeling the peace that covered the Temple.

But he knew something had happened in the Force.  He went to summon the Council, plus a few other Confidants.

They gathered around the Council Chamber. Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon, Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Qui-gon Jinn, Dooku, Sifo Dyas, Eeth Koth, Kitt Fisto, and Quinlan Vos.

Master Luminara Unduli entered the chamber in haste and bowed.  All of them had felt the tremor.

"I came as fast as I could.  I have only just returned from my mission in Ansion after many months....."

The Council members nodded and bowed to greet her.  She had left suddenly for a diplomatic mission months before, but was back to join in the discussion concerning the tremor.  She looked out of breath.

"It is agreed then." Mace had listened to each of the Jedi speak on the matter "At 0500 standard Coruscant Eastern time, a vergence was felt in the Force, by several members of the order.  A vision, and perhaps a Prophecy."

"It seems the will of the Force has provoked our destiny" Dooku commented.

Quinlan Vos looked at them, confused. "What does it mean?  This vision?  What is this prophecy to bring balance?"

Yoda looked at Mace "Meditate on this, we must.  A balance in the Force needs to be made....Perhaps a person, A Chosen One it is, who will give us balance."

"But what about the rest of this Prophecy?  I sense there are dark consequences if we misinterpret the vision...."  Luminara questioned the nature of the message given to them.

Quigonn smiled at her.  "The Living Force is showing us the way, step by step.  It means that somewhere out there, the Chosen One has the capability to bring balance and harmony to the entire galaxy.  I believe this Chosen One will bring the Jedi Order into a new Golden Age."

"We must organize a search across the galaxy right away." Dooku interjected.  "If we can find this Chosen One, the Jedi may be able to not just bring harmony, but a permanent galactic peace.  The first true peace the Republic has known in thousands of years."

Mace looked at them skeptically.  Qui-Gon and Dooku were known for unorthodox thinking, and Mace would not allow such new ideas to disrupt thousands of years of Jedi tradition.

"The Council will look into this matter and render its decision, but we will only take actions that serve the best interest of the Jedi and the Republic...."

Dooku and Qui-gon glanced at each other, giving the same, knowing expression.  An expression that both of them realize they have been shut out of the discussion yet again, but both remain stoic.

The meeting let out.

"Another opportunity wasted with the Council, it would seem." Sifo Dyas walked with Dooku.

Dooku sighed "If we don't act quickly, this great moment will pass us by.  I am certain that Jedi are not the only ones to sense this tremor in the Force....if others find the Chosen One first, it could spell disaster for the entire galaxy!"

As everyone disbanded to think further upon the event, Qui-gon and Luminara walked away together to a more intimate setting.

"Speaking of great tremors in the Force, how is the child?" he smiled at her knowingly.

They walked into a small chamber where a newborn baby awaited in a basket.  The child was being processed for admission into the Jedi Order.

Luminara held a sad expression "She tiny and beautiful.  Which makes me all the sadder for what we have to do.  I am surprised the Council did not detect my exhaustion from giving birth very quickly this morning.  Or that I had hidden my condition away from Coruscant for so long."

Qui-gon put his arms around her gently, with an understanding look.  "I will present her to the Council.  At least we will be able to see her every day, and even guide her as she grows older.  There are many things I would wish for us.  However, we made a choice long ago.  We dedicated ourselves to the Jedi, but also to each other."

"I fear we have made a terrible mistake bringing her here.  I should have left and never came back.  I fear we are going down a path that will only bring us all grief, and scandal to the order if the truth were to be revealed."

They both looked down at the olive green skinned child.  Luminara held her emotions with control, but wanted to embrace Qui-gon.  He put his hands on her waist, comforting her with a forbidden kind of intimacy of a married couple.

"It was the only way.  She has a strong midichhlorian count, very attuned to the Force.  We could have left, but she may be the answer to helping us change the Jedi Order.  Bringing her here was the Will of the Force.  It was the only way.  I think she will make a fine Jedi."

Luminara hesitated to speak, but Qui-gon kept smiling as he held her.

"She will never know us, not the way I wish she could, but it will be better this way.  If we leave the order now, we could be truly happy, be a family.  But the Order would crumble under its outdated traditions, its stagnant ways.  Eventually, the Galaxy might be in jeopardy when it needs the Jedi the most.  This is our chance to change everything, and make the Jedi better...."

Meanwhile, in a darker part of the Galaxy, another group of Force sensitive people had felt the Tremor as well, and intended to manipulate the Prophecy for their own agenda.....

The Sun rose on Moriband, and Plagueis had also awoke from the disturbance.  He dressed quickly and marched out of the ancient palace of the Sith, a beacon to a long dead age of Empire.He walked along a grand, golden walkway towards a mighty ziggurat Temple that intimidated spectators with its high stairs and monstrous looking altar at the very top.

Two hooded figures joined Plagueis from the shadows, as if waiting for their Master all through the night.

"Sidious!  Tyranus!  We must gather the flock!  Our destiny is at hand!" He called out.  Young Sidious and Tyranus gestured, using dark powers in the Force, a noise erupted in the air and a large crowd of thralls crawled and summoned themselves out of the shadows into the new light of a red sun that felt old and dying.  For Moriband, today marked a cosmic event that could very well signal a rebirth of the Ancient Sith Empire.

"Master, what has happened?  I felt a great vergence in the Dark side!"  Sidious inquired from under his hood.

Tyranus also kept his head bowed under his robes and hood.  "I sensed it was a sign of power from the Force!"

Tyranus one upped the young Sidious with more confidence than curiosity, a tone in his voice that did not escape Sidious.  Sidious remained unmoved in that moment, simply waiting for his Master to respond, rather than compete with Tyranus for the attention of the wise and powerful Plagueis.

"It is as I had predicted!  The Force has reached an apex of power and has made its will known to all of us, but we must hurry!  Today, the portents have signaled the rise of our new empire and the birth of the Chosen One!!" Plagueis' eyes widened with fanatical enthusiasm.

"Who is this Chosen One, Master?" Tyranus looked at him, confused.

"Is it one of us?  Destined to lead the Sith to greater Glory?" Sidious asked cautiously.

Plagueis smiled as they started walking up the thin steps of the Temple to the altar.  "The Force has given us all a vision of what is to come, and the true Sith Lord that will conquer all life, conquer time and space.....conquer death itself!"

Tyranus and Sidious looked at each other with a hint of fear, though their faces remained hidden under their hoods.

"Surely, Master, YOU are the true Sith Lord who will have the power of life and death for all things?" Tyranus inquired.

"I am merely the messenger, yet one greater than me shall come!  And he shall lead our people to a new promised land.  The conquest of the galaxy!"

"A prophecy?  But how can we interpret these signs, Master?" Sidious grimaced.  His own plans for power did not anticipate this new potential rival, and his plans were about to come to fruition as he spent weeks readying himself to cut away from the old, stagnant Sith order that wasted away on ancient Moriband.

"I must prepare the midichlorians, my pupils!  I must put all my abilities to the final test and assist in the birthing of the greatest Sith our order will ever know!"

The thralls began to chant as the three ascended to the top.

"The one from two will balance bring." Plagueis said quietly to himself, deciphering it in his own way.  "The prophecy must be talking about us.  The twin tailed comet....."

"Master, there is no such thing as a twin tailed comet!" Tyranus corrected cautiously.

Plagueis smiled viciously and looked at both his servants.  "Prophecies are a tricky thing, yet not so tricky.  The twin tailed comet is you.  Sidious, Tyranus.  Your presence here and the rising sun have opened the door for us to proceed with the greatest ritual.  Stand back, for I must manipulate the midichlorians....."

Plagueis turned to the altar and began to manipulate the very fabric of the Force in an act of blasphemy!  He pulled upon the very midichlorians that shared a symbiotic relation with life itself.

Tyranus and Sidious marveled at his power as the midichlorians started to take shape.....the shape of a small baby.

"The Prophecy has led us to this moment!  I shall create this life through the very power of Darkness and we shall raise the child in the ways of the Sith!"

Tyranus looked on with glee "All glory to Plagueis, Lord of the Sith!"

"GLORY!" the thralls shouted.  Only Sidious remained quiet and calculating.  He watched as Plagueis' ultimate sin upon all creation took shape and was nearly completed in its 'birth'.

"My son" Plagueis whispered "You shall be the power....and the glory.  You will be crowned Emperor, but I shall be your father!  I shall be your guide and teacher!"

"TEACHER!" The thralls seemed to repeat mindlessly.

All of them could feel the power of the Force tremble across the very planet itself, in the skies above and the ground below.  Life was being created through unnatural means, and the very foundations of creation were fighting this blasphemy.  Plagueis was unmoved as he followed through to make the Prophecy real, but the others wondered if the planet would not be ripped apart!

Sidious slowly gripped his saber.  To let this ritual go on would destroy his personal plans for power, and Plagueis had outlived his usefulness by being dedicated to this old, dead way of doing things.  The young Sith lord had decided the future of the Sith was to be reshaped now by himself and not some ambiguis vision of the Force.

Plagueis yelled in surprise and fell down the stairs as Sidious plunged his red saber into his Master.  The Thralls gasped and screamed in shock as their Lord rolled down helplessly, clutching his side, scorched by an apprentice's betrayal.

Tyranus responded quickly, activating his saber and fighting next to the altar, and the child that was still in a state of Limbo.

The planet shook and roared like a mighty Titan under the strain of the ritual Plagueis dared to perform.  The life form was almost ready to enter this existence, though dangerously close to the duel.

"You shall be struck down for this!!" Tyranus raged "Your lust for power will be your doom!"

"Your dedication to this feeble, outdated Sith Religion will be yours!" Sidious shouted and struck Tyranus with lightning erupting from his hand, a shout from deep down in his chi that magnified his attack on Tyranus.  His shout and lightning was forcefully propelled from within with such growing power that lightning engulfed the very top of the Temple, and sundered the solid altar with a great crack down the middle.  The sacred place of the Sith was undone.

The child of the Force cried out and vanished in an instant, not destroyed but propelled beyond the control of the Sith.

Plagueis' power to manipulate life itself had created a son, yet Sidious' treachery cast out the baby, and all of Moriband itself.  Plagueis yelled in anger and anguish.  His child was lost out in the galaxy on a random planet.

The fight ended, the Temple cracked down the middle under the shattered altar.

Sidious took every opportunity to leave swiftly, cackling in triumph while the others were too stunned by the quakes and high winds that reverberated thoughout the planet.  The young lord reached his shuttle in time, but could hear the curses and lamentations of the Thralls, and the curses from Plagueis carried on the wind.  Plagueis also lamented the loss of his greatest creation, a son born with all the darkness and hate of Sith mysticism.

The rift created by Sidious' disruption of the ritual shattered the planet's orbit and even pulled its sun.

As the young Sith Lord escaped, he witnessed the might of Plagueis' uncontrolled power unleashed.  Moriband and its sun were snapped away, as if shot off from the galaxy by an invisible slingshot, gone in a blink, banished into the darkest reaches of empty space, far from even the very edges of the galactic outer rim.

There was some damage to his ship, bounced away from the sling shotted homeworld, but Sidious stabilized the controls and took a moment to reflect on what had just happened.  The Sith world was gone, and with it the old stagnant order that repressed his ambitions, repressed his ideas.

Sidious was now free to expand on Sith power, free to reform Sith philosophies to his liking.

"Farewell, Master Plagueis, and farewell to your silly prophecy.  I will make sure the Sith rule by might, and I will send the Jedi to flee in plight!"

He plotted a course to the only place left he knew that he could get a fresh start.  His original home world, Naboo.

Of the Prophecy, neither side fully understood the vision they had been given.  One thing was certain, however.  No amount of ignoring it or thwarting it could ever stop it from coming to pass.  For better or worse, Destiny would find a way to bring it full circle......
In my Star Wars stories, I have always been fascinated by the "Prophecy of the Chosen One" mentioned in the prequels, and I had often wondered how the Prophecy came about and how it might have affected the galaxy.

This story is based on my alternate Universe Saga, where the Prophecy was constantly being interpreted by different people for different agendas.  My answer to the Prophecy is much different from the prequel films, but I loved reshaping it and yet keeping the story within the framework of the films when I wrote the Saga

Dooku and Tyranus are two different people and the story shows how Prophecy affected the Jedi and the Sith in different ways.  The Sith home world in my stories didn't have a name at the time I wrote it, since it was all before there was Korriban and Moriband, but it makes sense to use those planets as a reference point now.

Most of my stories have a running gag about the "twin tailed comet" mentioned in the Prophecy that would herald the Chosen One, yet somebody is always pointing out that there is no such thing as a twin tailed comet.  In my "Attack of the Clones" story, however, events bring a chain reaction that surprises everyone at the battle of Geonosis.

This story probably looks confusing, but it connects to my original work, and some of the hints and implications in the story might be obvious.

I wrote this originally as another entry for the "Sith Family Contest" (The Plagueis part of it anyway.)  Read, enjoy :)
© 2014 - 2024 lordhadrian
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0biwanken0bie's avatar
Awesome work! Alternate universes/timelines can be very tricky to pull off, but you seem to manage it with ease. Very nicely done. :)